Engineering Unit

The Engineering Unit is in charge of new construction on campus, from formulating needs until building occupancy

Engineering Unit
New construction and renovation projects on the University campus

The Engineering Unit is in charge of new construction on campus, from formulating needs until building occupancy:

  • Drafting a professional program for the project in cooperation with users and with regard to the needs of the campus.
  • Appointing an architect for the project, whether through a competition or some other process.
  • Appointing a project manager and the project’s team of consultants.
  • Preparing a preliminary estimate for the project.
  • Planning all stages of the project, from initial design, final design, planning for the tender and planning for implementation.
  • Filing for a building permit for the project, if needed.
  • Preparing an organized plan for the project’s construction.
  • Signing contracts with all contractors and suppliers required.
  • Supervising the project during implementation while maintaining close contact with the various entities on campus impacted by its construction.
  • Issuing an authorization for occupancy for the project.
  • Final occupancy.
  • Supervising the project during the first year of service.
  • Storing files for the plans carried out in the University’s engineering archive.

In addition to the above, the Unit carries out complex and unique renovation projects on the University campus from time to time.


Moreover, the Unit is involved in a broad range of other spheres:
  1. The Unit coordinates all matters related to department tenders.
  2. Municipal taxes (arnona), types of construction fees, photocopies and measurements.
  3. Preparing and updating the University’s master plan.
  4. Responsibility for the University’s licensing and engineering archive.
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