Unit for Environmental Quality

A large part of the effort to turn TAU Campus into a "green campus" involves applying the principles of sustainability

Unit for Environmental Quality
Environmental Quality Unit, Tel Aviv University

A large part of the effort to turn Tel Aviv University into a "green campus" involves applying the principles of sustainability and safeguarding the environment at the operational and daily level. To achieve this, plans were formulated at the campus to reduce the use of resources (such as two-sided printing to save on the amount of paper used, or reducing water usage by installing water-saving devices). At the same time, plans were devised to increase the quantities and types of waste collected for recycling (paper, bottles, batteries, cardboard, packaging, electronic waste, etc.).


Green, environmentally-friendly construction

In the long term environmental considerations were introduced into the University’s decision-making process. Construction planned for the coming years includes systems for saving energy and resources, and "green" building materials. In addition in recent years the University has reduced its dependence on polluting fuels and has switched over from using diesel fuel to natural gas for energy production. This measure has led lower greenhouse gas emissions while also significantly lowering energy production costs.


Another way to lessen the damage caused by the campus’s ecological footprint is to reduce the number of vehicles that come on a daily basis, by encouraging the use of public transport, bicycles, and walking.


Learn more about TAU's Green Campus >>

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