Assets and Commerce Unit

Assets and Commerce Unit
Assets and Commerce Unit


The unit for properties and economic housekeeping contracts is responsible for running the business side of Tel Aviv University, which includes the following areas:

  • Tenders for choosing concessionaires (registered) to operate restaurants, food stations and food carts throughout the campus.
  • Ongoing contact with registered concessionaires to operate six food stations located in two food court areas, one in the Sharett Building and the other in the Law Building. There are also six restaurants and five food carts, for a total of 17 places to eat that are spread out over the campus.
  • Tender for ongoing handling of vending machines throughout the campus.
  • Food inspections and inspections for compliance with tender conditions for all food locations throughout the campus.
  • Tenders for renting properties and ongoing treatment of these properties vis-à-vis the renters.
  • Development and renovations to University properties.
  • Managing Smolarz Auditorium for conferences and ceremonies for the University’s units and external entities.
  • Operating two pop-up stores, an arrangement by which we rent out the stores for short periods of up to two months.
  • Coordinating the tenders committee on economic and housekeeping issues.
  • Selling external assets that were donated to the Universities.
  • Developing and renovating University properties.
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